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France is your new men’s champion of the 2024 Rugby Europe Championship 7s Series

Men’s Team of the 7s Series 2024

France is your new men’s champion of the 2024 Rugby Europe Championship 7s Series, topping the standings after two intense and spectacular legs. With the tournament coming to a close, it’s time to pick the Team of the Series, with some surprises here and there!


14 tries for the tall Belgian speedster, carving up his name in the Team of the Season. Lalli was a sensational unit for his country, breaking away from tackles, speeding up to the try-line like an arrow. His ability to fetch sprinters was a show of endurance and willpower. He fought off injuries to keep driving forward, all to help his country to try to reach the Challenger Series status, inspiring teammates and rivals alike.


Yes, Levron didn’t play in the second and final leg of the 7s Series, but we couldn’t leave him out of the Team of the Season, especially because of how crucial it was for France to lift the trophy. Levron is a tiny wizard of insanely huge proportions, open magically gaps for him to dance through or assist his teammates to run unimpeded to the try-area. His vision is off the charts, and he was deeply missed in Hamburg, as one could feel that France needed a bit of magic to unlock the Irish defense in the final.


What a truly great season for the young Portuguese back, finishing as the top point scorer (84 points) and a bronze medal in Hamburg. Vareiro, like Levron, is a gifted and talented unit, embellished with magical skills that can turn any game from the inside-out, crafting those tricks that any fan enjoys to watch. He is one of the rising stars in Rugby Europe’s competitions and will unleash a new era for Portugal 7s, and it has started in the best way possible.


What’s the worth of having a supreme drop kicker? Well, for Germany it meant finishing in 3rd place in the final standings, and Felix Hufnagel had the golden boot for them, adding Fifty four points to his team’s tally. But does his input fade away if we don’t take his kicking skills to account? No, on the contrary, Hufnagel is a player who quickly adapts to the opposition strategy, thinking of ways to turn the tide and to favor his side, even when it all seems bleak. A general in a rugby jersey, and someone who you want by your side.


Hugo Keenan was one of Ireland’s best in the 7s Series, and you can’t tell us it was unexpected, as the Irish star was always going to impose himself, be it in the physicality front and the quick handling skills. The Irish powerhouse is a carrier that hits hard, and that keeps driving forward even if pinged by one or two defenders, making sure he capitalizes in the best way possible. Three tries, a flurry of broken tackles, and an ever-lasting impact for the Irish setup.


Captain Georgia, there’s no other way to put it, as Sergi Chkhaidze went beyond the limits of what’s humanly possible to gift his country another qualification for the 2025 Challenger Series. That drop goal against Belgium in the 5th place playoff was just the tip of what he was able to produce for the Lelos 7s, as his leadership skills and stone-hard tackles inspired his teammates to follow him until the end. He might’ve not played the last game against Italy, but if it wasn’t for him, Georgia would not have had the chance to finish the Series in style.


It wasn’t the best of seasons for Spain, as they finished in 7th place, but Noah Canepa Mendo was a wonderful sight to behold, as the rapid winger finished some of the best tries of the 7s Series. The Leones decided to call a development squad for Makarska and Hamburg, pressuring these new players to fight for a chance to be in the next World Series mix, and Mendo has made sure to make every opportunity count. Eight tries, five assists, a cascade of clean breaks, and a game-changer status in his first Rugby Europe 7s season! 



  • Gaspard Lalli (Belgium) – 14 tries
  • Fábio Conceição (Portugal) – 10 tries
  • Simon Desert (France) – 8 tries
  • Noah Canepa Mendo (Spain) – 8 tries


  • Manuel Vareiro (Portugal) – 84 points
  • Lucas Mignot (France) – 74 points
  • Felix Hufnagel (Germany) – 54 points

By Francisco Isaac 

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